because elder abuse should never be ignored…

Welcome To The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

United Nations Related Meetings and INPEA Sponsored Events:



2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies


DESA / INPEA joint Commemorative Program 14 June 2024 Virtual via Zoom (link to register here)


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies

As the world prepares to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on 15 June, this year DESA programme on ageing, in partnership with the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), will focus on the theme, "Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies," to highlight the critical need to protect and support older persons during crises. Established by the United Nations in 2011, WEAAD aims to raise awareness about the abuse, neglect, and exploitation that older persons face, while promoting respect and dignity for this population. Read More Here...

Open Ended Working Group on Ageing 14  May 20-24

      INPEA- Austria Joint Side Event 22 May 2024

Comission on Status of Women (CSW) Mar 2024 NY

      INPEA Virtual Side Event: 13 March 2024

Comission Social Development (CSocD) Feb 2024 NY

INPEA Virtual Side Event: 12 February 2024



54 Human Rights Council -- UN Geneva

Report of the Independent Expert on Violence Against and Abuse and Neglect of Older Persons and 

Interactive Dialogue with Independent Expert (IE) -  Friday 15th 

IE and INPEA Co Organized Hybrid Side Event - Friday 15 @ 2PM CEST

INPEA Written and Oral Statements (co- joined) on IE Report on Violence to HRC.

HRC 54 RESOLUTIONS of Interest

Substantive Resolution on Ageing (Violence Against and Abuse and Neglect of Older Persons) , 

Substantive Resolution on Care and Support

GLOBAL Briefings scheduled by Co-Facilitators for the intersessional work leading up to the 14th Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing session in March 2024. 

Third Global Briefing by NHRI's and NGO's 22 November 2023

Click here to view the timeline (timeline subject to change)

First of 3 briefings: Wednesday 12th July - 9:00am-10:00am ET (NY time). 

Briefing by:

the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human

rights by older persons, and Human Rights Treaty Bodies 



 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023  International Commemoration, UNHQ, NYC

'Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age

Policy, Law and Evidence-based Responses'

Event Sponored by the 

Permanent Mission of Argentina, to the UNNY,

Co-Sponsors: INPEA,  UN DESA: Program on Ageing, WHO 

 DATE: 15 June 2023, Location UN Trustee Council Chamber, UN HQ, NYC Time: 1:15 -2:30PM EST

Download Concept Note here.
Event was broadcast live and is available on demand on UN Web TV.


 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023 International Commemoration-UN GENEVA

Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

                                     Human Rights Council 53rd Session Side Event                                                          Monday 19 June 2023– Time 2;pm-3;pm 

Conference Room TBC - Palais des Nations


COMLAT 2023 



Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

17 al 20 de mayo de 2023

With deepest thanks to Robinson Cuadros Cuadros

Médico Geriatra Presidente electo Comité Latinoamericano y del Caribe COMLAT -
Asociación Internacional de Gerontología y Geriatría




13 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (12 OEWGA) 3Apr- 6Apr 2022, Click here:

67th Commission on the Status of Women UN HQ NYC 5- 17 March 2023

INPEA Parallel Event NGO CSW Forum -- March 2023 (watch for more details)



Human Rights Day - 10 December

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is a milestone document that proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

INPEA strives to ensure the UDHR's protection extends to protect older persons from violence, abuse and neglect through the enactment of a new convention on the human rights of older persons.  Please join us in our efforts. 

International Human Rights Intersessional Meeting - Seoul, S Korea 24 Nov 2022

IDOP 2022 - NY, Geneva and Vienna Events

MIPAA 4th Review and Appraisal: Rome - 15-17 June

INPEA WEAAD Global Commemoration and Side Event: Rome

Global Rally for Older Person's Rights - 3 March

66 Commission - Status of Women (CSW)  14 - 25 March 2022

INPEA CSW Virtual Parallel Event 24 March - 8AM EST

12 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (12 OEWGA) 11Apr- 14Apr 2022, Click here:


10 December: Human Rights Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

2021 Theme: 'Access to Justice'

Thank you for joining all World Day Programs

INPEA/United Nations official observation

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 2021.

15 June:  Virtual Program
Addressing Violence, Abuse and Neglect:
Ensuring Access to Justice

Concept note virtual event UN WEAAD 2021 - click here

The event was accessible with international sign language and captioning also French, Spanish, German and Russian interpretation. Webcast on

INPEA and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

16 June: International WEAAD 2021 - Virtual Program

WEAAD 2021 Int'l Conf virtual programme/bios - click here

INPEA, ILC, Argentina, and Friends  

17 June: Conferencia LatinoAmericana WEAAD 2021 

'De la toma de conciencia hacia las buenas practicas'

Conferencia L/Am: A virtual Program - click here 


11 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (11 OEWGA) 29Mar-1Apr 2021, Click here: 11th OEWGA Information for NGO's

INPEA Sponsored Side Event: 31 March 2021

Seeking Justice: A Multi-Nation Comparative Law Review of policies and laws protecting older persons from Violence, Abuse and Neglect  Click for Executive Summary by Bridget Penhale, Moderator:

    Join the "AGE with Rights!" Campaign Click for more information.

65 UN Commission on the Status of Women CSW65 - Virtual 15 Mar - 26 Mar 2021

News: INPEA Co-Sponsored Parallel Event with ASCDH, Committees on Ageing, NY and Geneva, IAGG, and featuring the Independent Expert on the Rights of Older Person:  "Human Rights and Violence Against Older Women" 18 March 8:30Am EST

46 Human Rights Council: UN Geneva-General Segment Following the High level Segment
News: INPEA Joint Statement - Delivered by Silvia Perel-Levin, Feb 2021 (Click for statement)


NEWS: United Nations General Assembly declares 2021-2030 'the Decade of Healthy Ageing'

Virtual Side Event -13th Conference of State Parties to the CRPD. - 1December, "Our rights under threat as we grow old: A timely expert discussion on the intersection of disability and age.  View Session on UN WebTV: CLICK HERE   For "Ageing and Disability" Concept Note: CLICK HERE

WEAAD 2020 Virtual International UN Day Event, 16June
2020 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: The impact of COVID-19 on violence, abuse and neglect of older persons  (click link for program details, and view on You Tube)

United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres issues Policy Brief "The Effect of COVID-19 and Older Persons." 1May (click for Brief and video)

INPEA Joint Statement: COVID-19 & Human Rights of Older Persons - HRC Virtual Conversation. 9Apr (click)

2018 See Archives


June -  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

UNITED NATIONS WEAAD 2020 Commemoration

Click for Program: Co-sponsors UN DESA, NGO Comm. on Ageing, NY, Geneva and Vienna


Co-Sponsor UN Program on Ageing, DESA and Pedagogical University of Cracow
(See Flyer: WEAAD 2019 Krakow and info below)


5-7 November - 1st SGA Africa Regional Conference, Abuja, Nigeria (click)

INPEA Co-Sponsors: Dave Omkaro Foundation, HelpAge, International, Africa Region, Friends of IFA, Japan and UN DESA: Program on Ageing, among others.


9th Session Open Ended Working Group on Ageing


 9th OEWGA


parallel event flyer
INPEA Side Event

Preserving Autonomy to Prevent Violence in LTC:     
A Global View of Program & Policy


 AGE is no Protection Gender-Based Violence Flyer
INPEA Side Event w/Co-Sponsor: CARE Rights, Seoul

AGE is NO Protection: Gender Based Violence Against Older Women
and Men and Women Migrants 


62nd Comm Status of Women UNHQ NYC

INPEA 62CSW Parallel Event Flyer--
Older Rural Women: Beyond Poverty and Violence, Programs and Policy

Co sponors: Group of Friends of Older Persons, UN, NY; WUNRN; UN CoNGO Comm on Ageing, NY.; Assoc. of Women's Career Develpment, Hungary, Intl Advertising Association, Hungary and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG). 

INPEA Co-Sponsored Parallel Event w/ IAGG/ WUNRN/ AWCDHungary/NGOCoA NY

Pictures and presentations may be viewed at 


Susan Somers, President
Amanda Phelan, Sect General
Main UN NGO Rep. Robert Brent
Additional Reps. Marie Beaulieu, Kathy Kline, Tina Maschi,
and Bei Wu.
12th OEWGA April 2022 -Chair's Report t/b/p
Focus Issues:
1) Economic Securtiy
2) Contribution of Older Persons
Focus Issues:
1) Access to justice
2) The right to work and access to the labourmarket
Focus Issues:
1) Education, training, life-long learning and capacity-building
2) Social protection and social security (including social protection floors)
7th OEWGA  December 2016 - Chair's Report 

Main UN NGO Rep. Silvia Perel-Levin:
Additional Reps: Ariela Lowenstein,
Delphine Schwab Roulet, Renate Heinisch, 
Ursula Barter-Hemmerich, Bridget Penhale,
Hans Perer Graf
'Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons'
Human Rights Council Appoints 2nd Independent Expert, Claudia Mahler, 1May2020
IE Claudia Mahler, Media Statement on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15June2020  

"Verbal and online abuse violating human rights of older persons must be stamped out" – UN expert

GENEVA (12June2020) – The newly appointed UN Independent Expert* on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, urges all governments and the international community to exercise global solidarity and step up action to effectively prevent and protect older persons from physical and psychological abuse, including neglect.  Statement ahead of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15June:(to read the IE's entire WEAAD statement click here)

Former IE: Rosa Kornfeld Matte, COUNTRY VISIT REPORTS: 2014 - 2020

Slovenia, Austria, Mauritius, Montenegro, Georgia, Namibia,

Singapore, Costa Rica, China, New Zealand


Main Representative:
Ulrike Waginger, MD, MSc, (Global Ageing), Vienna

Alternative Representatives:
Shantu Watt, PhD., Vienna
Heimo Zwischenberger, Mag., Germany

UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna
27 - 29 November2023 Poster
NGO Civil Society Forum 
1st Expert Group Meeting 'Violence Against Older Women', Nov2013
Experts: Patricia Brownell, Bridget Penhale, Elsie Yan, Milutin Vracevic,
Susan Somers, Observer

World Health Organization

Meetings and Reports

INPEA Representatives and Experts
WHO Decade on Healthy Ageing, 2020
Silvia Perel-Levin, Consultant/Representative
WHO Expert Group Meeting on Violence and Older Women, 2019
Silvia Perel-Levin, Representative
WHO Violence Prevention Alliance: 8th Milestone Meeting 2017
Bridget Penhale, and Susan Somers, Representatives
WHO First Status Report on Violence Prevention, 2014: Contributors
Bridget Penhale, Silvia Perel-Levin, Suzan Yazici, Patrica Brownell, Susan Somers


Members in the News:

Passing of Elizabeth Podnieks, INPEA Past Vice President and WEAAD Founder.

Click here for link to Obituary.



INPEA Past President: Dr. Lia Susanna Daichman, MD, recieved "Iberian Award for Life Time Achievement in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Older Persons".  (See photos below)

INPEA Board Member Prof. Ariela Lowenstein: Received 2021 Israel Prize: Highest National Award (more...)


Coming Soon: IFA's 17th Global Conference on Ageing, September 2025, in CapeTown, S Africa. Policymakers, experts, and global thought leaders will assemble to discussed critical issues related to ageing.


New Publications:

For a complete listing of featured publications, please click here...

The Worldwide Face of Elder AbuseThe Worldwide Face of Elder Abuse


Pamela B. Teaster, Georgia J. Anetzberger, Elizabeth Podnieks

Available here...


Ageing of the OppressedAgeing of the Oppressed
A Pandemic of Intersecting Injustice





 Available on Amazon


"They Make You Pay":

How Fear of Retaliation Silences Residents in America's Nursing Homes - NursingHome411

Eilon Caspi, PhD
Assistant Research Professor 
University of Connecticut 


Lisa Nerenberg
"The first comprehensive analysis of elder justice and its implications for policy and practice..."

Difficult- The untold story of mothering a challenging adult child, maternal ambivalence, and aging book coverDifficult - The untold story of mothering a challenging adult child, maternal ambivalence, and aging

Judith R. Smith

More information may be found here....



Older Women in Europe: A human rights-based approach book coverOlder Women in Europe:  A human rights-based approach

Edited by: Isabella Paoletti,

Older Women's Network, Europe

More information may be found here...



Older Persons in Turkey and COVID-19:

INPEA members, Professors Özgür Arun and Jason Holsworth collaborated on Turkey: "Rights Violations and Discriminatory Practices Against Older Persons During COVID 19 Pandemic' (click for report pdf.). Özgür  and Jason discussed the findings at the GSA Elder Abuse Interest Group Meeting on 19 Oct at 10Am via Zoom 


INPEA Asia Rep Prof. Mala Kapur Shankardass released 7th Edited Book on Older Persons




Download flyer(s) here...English   French

INPEA Annual Membership and Board Meetings -
News and Notices:
October 30 INPEA ANNUAL BOARD Meeting: 
Annual MEMBERSHIP Meeting to follow 
(adjourned from 18 October) Annual Meetings will be continued in HYBRID during GSA to allow for broader participation of members. (time and date to be decided at 30 Oct meeting)  Agenda to be posted.
Sept       28 INPEA Monthly Members Call In w/ INPEA Annual Members and Board Meeting via Zoom
Aug        23 INPEA Monthly Members Call In w/business mtg Zoom -7:30Am and 10:30AM EST
June     15 WEAAD Rome, Italy



Click to   Pay Dues on line
Click for Membership Application and Brochure

Support INPEA: Make your donation on line


2018 Meetings:
2017 Meetings:
2016 Meetings:
2015 Meetings:
INPEA Meeting 3rd ICGGM Delhi, India 27-29November

WEAAD2015 Dublin: 22April2015 Presentations and slides on line


International Collaborations on Older Persons Human Rights:

Global Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP) 

Launch: "In Their Own Words", a Global Consultation with Older Persons


WEAAD - International Recognition

United Nations General Assembly Resolution:

"World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)" Designated an Official UN International Day, observed annually on June 15th (Press Release) (Link to UNDESA WEAAD Page)

United Nations Related Meetings and INPEA Sponsored Events:



2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies


DESA / INPEA joint Commemorative Program 14 June 2024 Virtual via Zoom (link to register here)


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies

As the world prepares to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on 15 June, this year DESA programme on ageing, in partnership with the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), will focus on the theme, "Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies," to highlight the critical need to protect and support older persons during crises. Established by the United Nations in 2011, WEAAD aims to raise awareness about the abuse, neglect, and exploitation that older persons face, while promoting respect and dignity for this population. Read More Here...

Open Ended Working Group on Ageing 14  May 20-24

      INPEA- Austria Joint Side Event 22 May 2024

Comission on Status of Women (CSW) Mar 2024 NY

      INPEA Virtual Side Event: 13 March 2024

Comission Social Development (CSocD) Feb 2024 NY

INPEA Virtual Side Event: 12 February 2024



54 Human Rights Council -- UN Geneva

Report of the Independent Expert on Violence Against and Abuse and Neglect of Older Persons and 

Interactive Dialogue with Independent Expert (IE) -  Friday 15th 

IE and INPEA Co Organized Hybrid Side Event - Friday 15 @ 2PM CEST

INPEA Written and Oral Statements (co- joined) on IE Report on Violence to HRC.

HRC 54 RESOLUTIONS of Interest

Substantive Resolution on Ageing (Violence Against and Abuse and Neglect of Older Persons) , 

Substantive Resolution on Care and Support

GLOBAL Briefings scheduled by Co-Facilitators for the intersessional work leading up to the 14th Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing session in March 2024. 

Third Global Briefing by NHRI's and NGO's 22 November 2023

Click here to view the timeline (timeline subject to change)

First of 3 briefings: Wednesday 12th July - 9:00am-10:00am ET (NY time). 

Briefing by:

the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human

rights by older persons, and Human Rights Treaty Bodies 



 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023  International Commemoration, UNHQ, NYC

'Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age

Policy, Law and Evidence-based Responses'

Event Sponored by the 

Permanent Mission of Argentina, to the UNNY,

Co-Sponsors: INPEA,  UN DESA: Program on Ageing, WHO 

 DATE: 15 June 2023, Location UN Trustee Council Chamber, UN HQ, NYC Time: 1:15 -2:30PM EST

Download Concept Note here.
Event was broadcast live and is available on demand on UN Web TV.


 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023 International Commemoration-UN GENEVA

Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

                                     Human Rights Council 53rd Session Side Event                                                          Monday 19 June 2023– Time 2;pm-3;pm 

Conference Room TBC - Palais des Nations


COMLAT 2023 



Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia.

17 al 20 de mayo de 2023

With deepest thanks to Robinson Cuadros Cuadros

Médico Geriatra Presidente electo Comité Latinoamericano y del Caribe COMLAT -
Asociación Internacional de Gerontología y Geriatría




13 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (12 OEWGA) 3Apr- 6Apr 2022, Click here:

67th Commission on the Status of Women UN HQ NYC 5- 17 March 2023

INPEA Parallel Event NGO CSW Forum -- March 2023 (watch for more details)



Human Rights Day - 10 December

Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is a milestone document that proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

INPEA strives to ensure the UDHR's protection extends to protect older persons from violence, abuse and neglect through the enactment of a new convention on the human rights of older persons.  Please join us in our efforts. 

International Human Rights Intersessional Meeting - Seoul, S Korea 24 Nov 2022

IDOP 2022 - NY, Geneva and Vienna Events

MIPAA 4th Review and Appraisal: Rome - 15-17 June

INPEA WEAAD Global Commemoration and Side Event: Rome

Global Rally for Older Person's Rights - 3 March

66 Commission - Status of Women (CSW)  14 - 25 March 2022

INPEA CSW Virtual Parallel Event 24 March - 8AM EST

12 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (12 OEWGA) 11Apr- 14Apr 2022, Click here:


10 December: Human Rights Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

2021 Theme: 'Access to Justice'

Thank you for joining all World Day Programs

INPEA/United Nations official observation

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 2021.

15 June:  Virtual Program
Addressing Violence, Abuse and Neglect:
Ensuring Access to Justice

Concept note virtual event UN WEAAD 2021 - click here

The event was accessible with international sign language and captioning also French, Spanish, German and Russian interpretation. Webcast on

INPEA and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

16 June: International WEAAD 2021 - Virtual Program

WEAAD 2021 Int'l Conf virtual programme/bios - click here

INPEA, ILC, Argentina, and Friends  

17 June: Conferencia LatinoAmericana WEAAD 2021 

'De la toma de conciencia hacia las buenas practicas'

Conferencia L/Am: A virtual Program - click here 


11 Open Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons, (11 OEWGA) 29Mar-1Apr 2021, Click here: 11th OEWGA Information for NGO's

INPEA Sponsored Side Event: 31 March 2021

Seeking Justice: A Multi-Nation Comparative Law Review of policies and laws protecting older persons from Violence, Abuse and Neglect  Click for Executive Summary by Bridget Penhale, Moderator:

    Join the "AGE with Rights!" Campaign Click for more information.

65 UN Commission on the Status of Women CSW65 - Virtual 15 Mar - 26 Mar 2021

News: INPEA Co-Sponsored Parallel Event with ASCDH, Committees on Ageing, NY and Geneva, IAGG, and featuring the Independent Expert on the Rights of Older Person:  "Human Rights and Violence Against Older Women" 18 March 8:30Am EST

46 Human Rights Council: UN Geneva-General Segment Following the High level Segment
News: INPEA Joint Statement - Delivered by Silvia Perel-Levin, Feb 2021 (Click for statement)


NEWS: United Nations General Assembly declares 2021-2030 'the Decade of Healthy Ageing'

Virtual Side Event -13th Conference of State Parties to the CRPD. - 1December, "Our rights under threat as we grow old: A timely expert discussion on the intersection of disability and age.  View Session on UN WebTV: CLICK HERE   For "Ageing and Disability" Concept Note: CLICK HERE

WEAAD 2020 Virtual International UN Day Event, 16June
2020 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: The impact of COVID-19 on violence, abuse and neglect of older persons  (click link for program details, and view on You Tube)

United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres issues Policy Brief "The Effect of COVID-19 and Older Persons." 1May (click for Brief and video)

INPEA Joint Statement: COVID-19 & Human Rights of Older Persons - HRC Virtual Conversation. 9Apr (click)

2018 See Archives


June -  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

UNITED NATIONS WEAAD 2020 Commemoration

Click for Program: Co-sponsors UN DESA, NGO Comm. on Ageing, NY, Geneva and Vienna


Co-Sponsor UN Program on Ageing, DESA and Pedagogical University of Cracow
(See Flyer: WEAAD 2019 Krakow and info below)


5-7 November - 1st SGA Africa Regional Conference, Abuja, Nigeria (click)

INPEA Co-Sponsors: Dave Omkaro Foundation, HelpAge, International, Africa Region, Friends of IFA, Japan and UN DESA: Program on Ageing, among others.


9th Session Open Ended Working Group on Ageing


 9th OEWGA


parallel event flyer
INPEA Side Event

Preserving Autonomy to Prevent Violence in LTC:     
A Global View of Program & Policy


 AGE is no Protection Gender-Based Violence Flyer
INPEA Side Event w/Co-Sponsor: CARE Rights, Seoul

AGE is NO Protection: Gender Based Violence Against Older Women
and Men and Women Migrants 


62nd Comm Status of Women UNHQ NYC

INPEA 62CSW Parallel Event Flyer--
Older Rural Women: Beyond Poverty and Violence, Programs and Policy

Co sponors: Group of Friends of Older Persons, UN, NY; WUNRN; UN CoNGO Comm on Ageing, NY.; Assoc. of Women's Career Develpment, Hungary, Intl Advertising Association, Hungary and the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG). 

INPEA Co-Sponsored Parallel Event w/ IAGG/ WUNRN/ AWCDHungary/NGOCoA NY

Pictures and presentations may be viewed at 


Susan Somers, President
Amanda Phelan, Sect General
Main UN NGO Rep. Robert Brent
Additional Reps. Marie Beaulieu, Kathy Kline, Tina Maschi,
and Bei Wu.
12th OEWGA April 2022 -Chair's Report t/b/p
Focus Issues:
1) Economic Securtiy
2) Contribution of Older Persons
Focus Issues:
1) Access to justice
2) The right to work and access to the labourmarket
Focus Issues:
1) Education, training, life-long learning and capacity-building
2) Social protection and social security (including social protection floors)
7th OEWGA  December 2016 - Chair's Report 

Main UN NGO Rep. Silvia Perel-Levin:
Additional Reps: Ariela Lowenstein,
Delphine Schwab Roulet, Renate Heinisch, 
Ursula Barter-Hemmerich, Bridget Penhale,
Hans Perer Graf
'Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of All Human Rights by Older Persons'
Human Rights Council Appoints 2nd Independent Expert, Claudia Mahler, 1May2020
IE Claudia Mahler, Media Statement on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15June2020  

"Verbal and online abuse violating human rights of older persons must be stamped out" – UN expert

GENEVA (12June2020) – The newly appointed UN Independent Expert* on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, urges all governments and the international community to exercise global solidarity and step up action to effectively prevent and protect older persons from physical and psychological abuse, including neglect.  Statement ahead of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, 15June:(to read the IE's entire WEAAD statement click here)

Former IE: Rosa Kornfeld Matte, COUNTRY VISIT REPORTS: 2014 - 2020

Slovenia, Austria, Mauritius, Montenegro, Georgia, Namibia,

Singapore, Costa Rica, China, New Zealand


Main Representative:
Ulrike Waginger, MD, MSc, (Global Ageing), Vienna

Alternative Representatives:
Shantu Watt, PhD., Vienna
Heimo Zwischenberger, Mag., Germany

UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna
27 - 29 November2023 Poster
NGO Civil Society Forum 
1st Expert Group Meeting 'Violence Against Older Women', Nov2013
Experts: Patricia Brownell, Bridget Penhale, Elsie Yan, Milutin Vracevic,
Susan Somers, Observer

World Health Organization

Meetings and Reports

INPEA Representatives and Experts
WHO Decade on Healthy Ageing, 2020
Silvia Perel-Levin, Consultant/Representative
WHO Expert Group Meeting on Violence and Older Women, 2019
Silvia Perel-Levin, Representative
WHO Violence Prevention Alliance: 8th Milestone Meeting 2017
Bridget Penhale, and Susan Somers, Representatives
WHO First Status Report on Violence Prevention, 2014: Contributors
Bridget Penhale, Silvia Perel-Levin, Suzan Yazici, Patrica Brownell, Susan Somers


Members in the News:

Passing of Elizabeth Podnieks, INPEA Past Vice President and WEAAD Founder.

Click here for link to Obituary.



INPEA Past President: Dr. Lia Susanna Daichman, MD, recieved "Iberian Award for Life Time Achievement in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Older Persons".  (See photos below)

INPEA Board Member Prof. Ariela Lowenstein: Received 2021 Israel Prize: Highest National Award (more...)


Coming Soon: IFA's 17th Global Conference on Ageing, September 2025, in CapeTown, S Africa. Policymakers, experts, and global thought leaders will assemble to discussed critical issues related to ageing.


New Publications:

For a complete listing of featured publications, please click here...

The Worldwide Face of Elder AbuseThe Worldwide Face of Elder Abuse


Pamela B. Teaster, Georgia J. Anetzberger, Elizabeth Podnieks

Available here...


Ageing of the OppressedAgeing of the Oppressed
A Pandemic of Intersecting Injustice





 Available on Amazon


"They Make You Pay":

How Fear of Retaliation Silences Residents in America's Nursing Homes - NursingHome411

Eilon Caspi, PhD
Assistant Research Professor 
University of Connecticut 


Lisa Nerenberg
"The first comprehensive analysis of elder justice and its implications for policy and practice..."

Difficult- The untold story of mothering a challenging adult child, maternal ambivalence, and aging book coverDifficult - The untold story of mothering a challenging adult child, maternal ambivalence, and aging

Judith R. Smith

More information may be found here....



Older Women in Europe: A human rights-based approach book coverOlder Women in Europe:  A human rights-based approach

Edited by: Isabella Paoletti,

Older Women's Network, Europe

More information may be found here...



Older Persons in Turkey and COVID-19:

INPEA members, Professors Özgür Arun and Jason Holsworth collaborated on Turkey: "Rights Violations and Discriminatory Practices Against Older Persons During COVID 19 Pandemic' (click for report pdf.). Özgür  and Jason discussed the findings at the GSA Elder Abuse Interest Group Meeting on 19 Oct at 10Am via Zoom 


INPEA Asia Rep Prof. Mala Kapur Shankardass released 7th Edited Book on Older Persons




Download flyer(s) here...English   French

INPEA Annual Membership and Board Meetings -
News and Notices:
October 30 INPEA ANNUAL BOARD Meeting: 
Annual MEMBERSHIP Meeting to follow 
(adjourned from 18 October) Annual Meetings will be continued in HYBRID during GSA to allow for broader participation of members. (time and date to be decided at 30 Oct meeting)  Agenda to be posted.
Sept       28 INPEA Monthly Members Call In w/ INPEA Annual Members and Board Meeting via Zoom
Aug        23 INPEA Monthly Members Call In w/business mtg Zoom -7:30Am and 10:30AM EST
June     15 WEAAD Rome, Italy



Click to   Pay Dues on line
Click for Membership Application and Brochure

Support INPEA: Make your donation on line


2018 Meetings:
2017 Meetings:
2016 Meetings:
2015 Meetings:
INPEA Meeting 3rd ICGGM Delhi, India 27-29November

WEAAD2015 Dublin: 22April2015 Presentations and slides on line


International Collaborations on Older Persons Human Rights:

Global Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP) 

Launch: "In Their Own Words", a Global Consultation with Older Persons


WEAAD - International Recognition

United Nations General Assembly Resolution:

"World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)" Designated an Official UN International Day, observed annually on June 15th (Press Release) (Link to UNDESA WEAAD Page)




People of all Ages have Rights!

Help promote the Human Rights of Older Persons;
join the Global Call for a new

"UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons"

Ensure the Voices of Older Persons are heard around the World


Launch of A New International NGO Collaboration Resource: February 4th
click below to download a .pdf copy

"Strengthening the Rights of Older People: Towards a UN Convention"

Please click for document in English, French, Arabic, Nepali, Spanish, Brazilian Portugese

On February 4, 2010 INPEA joined an International Collaboration of NGO's to launch this important new resource.
Now you can be part of this important movement.

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!

Please join INPEA and United Nations DESA for the

2021 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:

A Virtual Program- REGISTER HERE

Addressing Violence, Abuse and Neglect:

Ensuring Access to Justice

(Program and Concept note virtual event UN WEAAD 2021 - click here)

INPEA Annual International Commemorations  

2020 United Nations International Day of Commemoration,

UN Headquarters, NYC -- June 2020 (date to be announced)

REGISTER HERE for June Event

Please note entrance to United Nations requires a security pass.



World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023 International Commemoration, UNHQ, NYC

'Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age

Policy, Law and Evidence-based Responses'

Event Sponored by the 

Permanent Mission of Argentina, to the UNNY,

Co-Sponsors: INPEA,  UN DESA: Program on Ageing, WHO 

World Day International ConferencesIt will be broadcasted live and on demand on UN Web TV.


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022 International Commmoration, ROME


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021 International Commemoration, UNHQ, NYC


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021 International Conference


INPEA and Trininty College Dublin, Ireland

WEAAD2021_Intl_ conf-programme-with-bios 16June

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2019 International Conference


Thank you for joining INPEA in Krakow, Poland,

Prof. Jolanta Mackowicz, Ph. D 

INPEA National Representative to Poland 

for the

International Experts Conference on

Elder Abuse Prevention and Protection


Flyer Weaad 2019 Krakow (click)


in commemoration of

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD 2019)  


Organized in conjunction with

Pedagogical University of Cracow


Sponsored by:

United Nations, Program on Ageing, DESA

City of Cracow

NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva


 The 20th Anniversary Celebration of INPEA


A Two Day Scientific Forum

(Outcome Report to be posted)


INPEA 10th World Conference
2015 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Presentations and slides are now online
(click above)
Journée internationale de sensibilisation aux abus envers les aînés


SERBIA  -- Visit with INPEA Co National Reps Natasa and Milutin, May 2018 

X Gerontological Conference

Commission on Equality :SERBIA Minister Meeting

Grey Youth Choir - Korea Commemorates WEAAD

Visit with Alzheimer's Dementia International,

Chair, Dr. Jacob Roy Kuriakose, and staff at his clinic. Kerala, India (JUNE 2012)

Visiting with Krishna Gautam

 and the great staff at "Ageing Nepal."


Resource "Tool Kit"
to Raise World Awareness on Adult Abuse

This Community Resource Tool Kit is created to help individuals, organizations and communities throughout the world plan for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, to be held on June 15 of each year. The first WEAAD was launched on June 15, 2006.

Thank you for your comments and help to improve
Awareness of Elder Abuse and Neglect in the 2010 Update to
the INPEA Community Resource"Tool Kit" now available on line.

CLICK HERE to access the 2010 INPEA "Tool Kit"

60th Comm on Status of Women - UN HQ NY - INPEA Side Events: 

"Ending Elder Abuse" and "Ageism and Widowhood"

59th Comm on the Status of Women,  UN HQ NY, March 2015
INPEA and WUNRN Co-Convened Parallel Event

"Witchcraft Accusations and Violence Against Older Women"

Samuel Slewion, MSW, INPEA National Representative for Liberia, (read presentation here) and
Susan Somers, INPEA President

UN ECE Beijing +20 Interactive Roundtable:

Women and Ageing – Older Women Count

November 2014 – Palais des Nations Geneva,
Silvia Perel-Levin, International Longevity Centre Global Alliance (ILC GA)
Ursula Barter-Hemmerich, International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)
Moderator: Bridget Sleap, HelpAge International
Elizabeth Sclater, Executive Officer, Older Women’s Network, Europe (OWN)
Andrea Ferenczi, President, Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary
Israel Doron, Head, Department of Gerontology, Haifa University, Israel, INPEA Nat Rep Israel
Lisa Warth, Technical Officer, Department of Ageing and
Life Course, World Health Organization (WHO)
Rapporteur: Kelly Fitzgerald, International Federation on Ageing (IFA)


3rd ICGGM Conference and INPEA International Meeting Delhi, India 27-29 November 2015



Sailesh, Susan and Mala Sailesh intervention

1) Sailesh Mishra, Susan Somers, Mala Kapur Shankardass 2)  Tova Winterstein, Sailesh Mishra, Susan Somers 

Susan Somers, with Paulette Metang, INPEA Nat Rep. Cameroon • Pastor Chukwu with Susan Somers and INPEA members from Nigeria



1st SGA Africa Inaugeral Conference. Abuja, Nigeria with INPEA C0-Sponsor 

Nov 5-7, 2018

Dr Emem Omokaro, LOC Co Chair, (center)    (RT) Amal Abou Rafeh, Chief, UN Prog on Ageing

Dr Emem Omokaro at SGA Africa inaugural conference co sponsored by INPEA


INPEA Membership Meeting - Abuja

INPEA Membership Meeting

Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi, President of the Medical Women’s International Association (Nigeria)

and co-founder 'Every Womens Treaty' with Susan


Dr Nwadinobi and Susan at SGA A




Dr Tavengwa Nhongo, INPEA Board of Director from Africa for a decade,
has been Appointed First Executive Director of
Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP)

This appointment is effective as of 1st January 2011


Dr Tavengwa Nhongo, INPEA Board of Director
from Africa for a decade,
has been Appointed First Executive Director of
Africa Platform for Social Protection

Dear Colleague/partners,

The APSP is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Tavengwa Nhongo as its first Executive Director with effect from 1st January 2011.

Dr. Nhongo was selected from among a strong pool of candidates that were identified through a rigorous recruitment process led and supported by an independent Human Resource Development and Recruitment firm and the APSP board of directors.

Dr Nhongo has extensive experience which spans over 30 years gained in public, private and international development institutions. Of these, 22 years have been spent in nongovernment organizations, 12 of them as Regional Representative for HelpAge International. Prior to this, he was the Director of HelpAge Zimbabwe and Deputy Field Director for the same organization.

Please join me in welcoming Dr Nhongo to the APSP family and it is my hope that you will provide Dr Nhongo and the APSP the necessary support that will enable it achieve its set objective of promoting social protection as a poverty alleviation strategy for the poor and vulnerable populations in Africa.

Best wishes for the new year,

Edmond Odaba
Programme Coordinator, Africa Platform for Social Protection (APSP)
P.O Box 10664-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Email Mr. Odaba @ or to Mr. Obada @

Click for 2006 Rosalie Wolf Award
being presented to Dr. Nhongo

APSP on the Web at

APSP supports civil society engagement with development of social protection policy processes & programmes in Africa

Ms. Geselle Coffi INPEA National Representative to Curaçao
receives special recognition

Geselle V. Rosaria - Coffi, President, Fundashon Nos Grandinan
is presented with plaque by
Mr. Hensley Koeiman, Minister of Social Affairs, Labor and Welfare (SOAW)
Click here for further details


Stacks Image 4933
INPEA National Representative to Curaçao
receives special recognition

Geselle V. Rosaria - Coffi, President, Fundashon Nos Grandinan being presented with plaque by Mr. Hensley Koeiman, Minister of Social Affairs, Labor and Welfare Sociale Ontwikkeling, Arbeid en Welzijn (SOAW)

Recognition to Geselle Rosaria – Coffi for her valuable contribution to the social development and well-being of our elders
Curaçao, December 31st, 2010

Click here to download .pdf
Stacks Image 4935

Ms Laura Machado, IAGG's International Coordinator for the United Nations,
received the Prize Award on Human Rights

from the Minister of Human Rights and Brazilian President Lula, in recognition of her major work
to promote the rights of old people in Brazil and outside.

Past-President Dr. Renato Maia Guimaraes represented the IAGG during the ceremony
that was held on December 13th, 2010 in Brasilia.

Today, Ms Machado leads a team of NGOs to promote a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons
within the United Nations.

Click here to download .pdf

Call for Nominations: Regional and National Representatives

Open Invitation to Serve INPEA.

INPEA is seeking nominations to fill honorary positions for vacant Regional and National Representatives.
Submit nominations by June 1 and December 1 for consideration. (These are voluntary positions).

Download Nomination Form
Click for National Rep Form .doc || Click for Regional Rep Form .doc
Qualifications and Procedure for Nomination of National Representatives
Click to download .pdf

Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect (JEAN)
An International Journal...
A crucial interdisciplinary journal focusing on prevention and treatment strategies!
Edited by Karen Stein, PhD,. JEAN is the official journal of the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse:

For INPEA Board, Regional & National Representative
Contact Information - Click here

For further info/comments, please e-mail INPEA